If you are preparing for any typing exam in Hindi font then this software will help to increase the speed and accuracy. Here you can perform Hindi Kruti Dev typing test, Mangal Typing test, and Inscript typing test for free and there is no need to buy expensive software such as Typing tutor or Typing master. We provide the best typing software for practicing Hindi typing. Note: Password of PDF file > hinditypingtest.in About Hindi Online Typing Test

There is a slight difference in Remington Keyboard and Remington (GAIL) Hindi Keyboard. Here you can download the keyboard layout and Kruti dev character code chart. In this keyboard, you need some special character code to type those characters because it is not visible by default. Therefore you can practice Hindi typing in Remington Hindi keyboard. Remington (typewriter) Keyboard is used for typing in Krutidev and Devlys font.

Devlys 010 Font supports all software applications such as MS Power Point, Excel, Power Point, etc… Font Name Due to the use of popular keyboard layout, this font is very easy to use and can be installed on your personal computer and laptops with ease. Kruti Dev and Devlys font uses the same keyboard layout that makes it one of the popular and most downloaded Hindi font types in the market. If you explore the character map, it incorporates the Devanagari script type. Devlys 010 Font is widely used in government offices in India for all professional matters.