I have found some great files for Orks, and some nice options for tanks for both, but am struggling to find good options for Guardsmen, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for Guard both free or paid files that I could make an army of? Ideally looking for a mix of male and female models, as inspired by the mixed units in Gaunts Ghost books.

I am looking to make either an Ork or Imperial Guard/Astra Millitarum army. I will try to get some links for the pics to show anyone interested. My brother will be playing Battle Sisters and has found some great sculpts, a mixture of some free files, a paid patreon and some he has ordered via cgtrader. I am aware that 3d printed mini's can be a contentious point within the hobby, but I am looking to make the most of my printers and will only be using them to make some models and scenery to play against my brother at home.

After a lengthy break from the hobby, I am looking at getting back into 40k, after recently picking up 2 3d printers (an Anycubic Photon for miniatures, and an Ender 3 pro for scenery and vehicles).